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Submitted by admin on 7 June 2016


Project Concept

NEEP is being implemented to promote and realize energy efficiency in Nepal and is a bilateral technical cooperation between Government of Nepal (GON) and Federal Republic of Germany. The project is executed by Ministry of Energy with technical assistance provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). TDF is one of the implementing partners to promote energy efficiency in public urban infrastructure under the component 1: Energy Efficiency Market Project Area (Lead): Energy Efficiency Market (Technical Assistance). The total Project Cost: up to Euro 4,000,000 (volume of German contribution)

Project Objectives

The main objective of the programme is to improve the basic pre-requisites for the planning and the
implementation of measures to increase the efficient use of energy in Nepal and to promote energy efficiency
in public urban infrastructure asset financed by TDF. Awareness Rising and capacity building for selected
target groups and intermediaries, including TDF.

Project Components

The NEEP II consisted of 3 key areas of interventions; I. Promote energy efficiency in industry and public infrastructure as a main agenda of Energy Efficiency Market
II. Promote energy efficiency on Clean Cooking
III. Improve the framework conditions for energy efficiency on policy level Financing Modality The Nepali- German programme NEEP was implemented by the Ministry of Energy with technical assistance by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Basically, this is technical cooperation project.
Approval Date: June 2014 (Effectiveness Date) Closing Date: June 2017.

Project Beneficiaries

The improvement in the condition for planning and implementation of measures for efficient energy use for
harnessing the untapped resource – energy efficiency was achieved to some extent. Individual households,
municipalities, industries and commerce are expected to benefit from mitigating the energy crisis. Accordingly,
NEEP contributed towards the global initiative of SE4 All in achieving its objective – energy efficiency – through
increased productivity of resources that fostered economic growth, improved energy security and reduced
costs for all citizens.

Expected Output

TDF’s technical capacity in the field of Energy Efficiency and raise municipalities awareness on Energy Efficiency
concept will be upgraded.

Project Status: Completed


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