Our Projects / Programs

Project Status:
The Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project will support the ongoing efforts of the Government of Nepal to provide better access to water supply and sanitation services to the growing urban population. Building upon the successful implementation of earlier interventions, the project will fund physical investments in water supply and sanitation infrastructure and non-physical investments to improve service regulation, governance, and user participation in selected municipalities, previously referred to as small towns.
For this project total cost is $156 million. The project is included in ADB’s Country Operations Business Plan (2018-2020) with a total loan amount of $100 million from ADB’s concessional ordinary capital resources. Counterpart funds from the government are $40 million to cover taxes and duties, land acquisition and resettlement , and counterpart staff....

Project Status:
Town Development Fund (TDF), an autonomous entity, as a financial intermediary institution for the development of urban infrastructures in Nepal, is implementing Municipal Finance and Capacity Building (MFCB) Programme supported by European Union (EU). The MFCB action builds on the joint initiative of TDF and UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in strengthening the capacity of selected municipalities and TDF in promoting economic development and investment in infrastructure, providing improved service delivery and accessing additional resources to finance municipal development agenda. The MFCB actions are intended to provide technical assistance to enhance the capacity of municipalities on the demand side, as well as enhance the capacity of TDF on the supply side to achieve the long term impact of contributing to foster.....

Project Status:
IUDP is being implemented by loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the areas of Water Supply, Solid Waste Management Improvement, Storm Water Drainage and Lane Road Improvement works in Nepalgunj, Sidharthanagar, Dharan and Janakpur municipalities.

Project Status:
Urban Infrastructure Development Program (UIDP) is implemented with the financing agreement between GoN and TDF to mobilize the source of GoN. TDF lends financial resources for investments in municipal development projects with the intention to finance projects of municipalities and urbanizing rural Municipalities. Town development fund also seeks to increase the Urban Infrastructure development program portfolio in coming years, for the positive impact on the development of urban centers as engines of growth. UIDP receives a credit line from the GoN within a set out financing modality as loan and this credit line does not comprise of any grant....

Project Status:
The Project was designed and implemented to address key issues related to Nepal’s rapid urbanization. In particular, the rapid growth of small towns has far outstripped the capacity of their water supply and sanitation (WSS) infrastructure and services. In 2001, ADB initially supported the government’s efforts to address these issues through a first Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. This follow-up project aimed for improved, affordable and sustainable water supply and sanitation services that are governed and managed by locally accountable representative bodies. The project had three expected outputs: (i) efficient, effective, and accountable urban water supply and sanitation sector developed; (ii) safe, accessible, and adequate water supply and sanitation facilities developed in 20 towns; and adequate water supply and ...

Project Status:
The Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is designed for key outcomes namely a) the improved the water supply service infrastructure and b) strengthened sector policy, regulatory and institutional capacity and service. For this Project, the Financial agreement (Loan No : 3157 – Nep ( SF) had between GoN and ADB dated 24 November 2014. Based on the financing agreement, Subsidiary Loan Agreement (SLA) signed with TDF dated February 11, 2015. It has allocated US$ 18 million loan for financing through TDF out of total SDR 38.92 million. Under this projects, TDF has been appraised and signed loan agreement for the 20 projects to the WSUCs as per the set out lending terms and conditions in the SLA. In addition to under this project, additional enhancement 12 projects (of the total STWSSSP I/STWSSSP II/STWSSSP III) have been approved . For them loan was approved NPR 1,798.4 million and disbursed NPR 1,390.32 million out of total agreed amount to 20 towns and 12 new enhancement project under STWSSSP III. Whereas 19 projects implementing on second stage (operation and maintenance by the contractor for one year) and 1 project is still under constriction stage.
Project Status:
In line with the GoN’s 15-Year Development Plan (first prepare¬¬¬d in 2009 and updated in 2015) for Water Supply and Sanitation in Small Towns, Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been supporting the Government of Nepal in enhancing water and sanitation services in small towns since 2001.
The Government of Nepal has been providing water supply and sanitation services in 70 small towns basically through co-financing model. The small towns are defined as towns that have (i) a population of 5,000 to 40,000, and (ii) perennial access to roads, grid power, and telecommunications i.e. potential for growth. Population concentration in most of these towns are caused by the rapid population growth in urban centers along major highways due to rural to urban migration. These towns were important links with rural areas acting as markets, transport depots and agricultural processing centers. However, basic services such as WSS were inadequate in these towns. The first small town project was completed in 2009, STWSSSP II completed in December 2017 and follow-up third phase-STWSSSP III sub projects are on-going and nearing to completion.

Project Status:
The main concept of the Town Development Programme (TDP) is to expand TDF as an efficient and sustainable financing institution for development of municipal infrastructures. The funds under TDPs were to be exclusively used to finance the local costs of communal infrastructure projects and income generating projects, such as Bus Park, Shopping Complex, Vegetable Market, Multipurpose Building complex, Parks etc, including the local level planning and construction supervision.
Project Area: 58 municipalities: (Biratnagar, Nepalgunj, Birgunj,Butwal, Ramgram, Guleria, Bheemdatt,Mechinagar, Butwal, Malangawa, Lekhnath, Kalaiya, Siraha, Lahan, Walling, Putalibazar, Gaur, Rajbiraj, Dharan and Itahari ).

Project Status:
TDF has received grant from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) under Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project (KSUTP) for financing implementation of the Public Transport in S5 Pilot Route (Gongabu to Sinamangal) and establishment of Sustainable Urban Transport Fund within TDF. TDF shall use the repayment from the new Bus Operating Company to establish Revolving Fund that may be used to finance subsequent public transport sector, which possess huge business potential for TDF in days to come. Hence, this pilot case is considered as good business opportunity which will pave the way for new business portfolio for TDF in urban public transport sector. Project Area Kathmandu Valley Transport System improvement andurban public transport financing in 2 Pilot Route (S3 &S5). Total Project Cost: US$ 3.8 million (GEF & ADB Grant).

Project Status:
STIUEIP, is an urban environmental improvement project being implemented by loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The basic concept of STIUEIP is implementing basic utility infrastructure of the municipality to improve quality of life of people land Environment improvement through drainage, sewer, waste
water treatment, integrated solid waste management with affordable and sustainable operation and maintenance.
The Ministry of Urban Development is the Executing Agency (EA), working through its Department of Urban
Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), which has established a project coordination office (PCO) for the
Project headed by project director. Biratnagar, Birgunj, Butwal and Kavre Valley is the Implementing Agency (IA)
for the Project. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) headed by Project Manager is established under the umbrella of
the municipalities. Town Development fund (TDF) is one of the key stakeholders to provide loan to Municipality
received from GoN and pay back to GoN after recovery from Municipality.

Project Status:
The World Bank -Global Partnership for Output Based Aid (GPOBA) assisted project, the ‘Output-Based Aid for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nepal’ (the OBA project). The main concept of the OBA project was to improve access to high quality and financially sustainable SWM services in participating municipalities and the subsidy to municipalities were disbursed to improve /incentivize the operation of solid waste management services.

Project Status:
NEEP is being implemented to promote and realize energy efficiency in Nepal and is a bilateral technical cooperation between Government of Nepal (GON) and Federal Republic of Germany. The project is executed by Ministry of Energy with technical assistance provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). TDF is one of the implementing partners to promote energy efficiency in public urban infrastructure under the component 1: Energy Efficiency Market Project Area (Lead): Energy Efficiency Market (Technical Assistance). The total Project Cost: up to Euro 4,000,000 (volume ofGerman contribution)