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The Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project will support the ongoing efforts of the Government of Nepal to provide better access to water supply and sanitation services to the growing urban population. Building upon the successful implementation of earlier interventions, the project will fund physical investments in water supply and sanitation infrastructure and non-physical investments to improve service regulation, governance, and user participation in selected municipalities, previously referred to as small towns. For this project total cost is $156 million. The project is included in ADB’s Country Operations Business Plan (2018-2020) with a total loan amount of $100 million from ADB’s concessional ordinary capital resources. Counterpart funds from the government are $40 million to cover taxes and duties, land acquisition and resettlement , and counterpart staff....
Urban Infrastructure Development Program (UIDP) is implemented with the financing agreement between GoN and TDF to mobilize the source of GoN. TDF lends financial resources for investments in municipal development projects with the intention to finance projects of municipalities and urbanizing rural Municipalities. Town development fund also seeks to increase the Urban Infrastructure development program portfolio in coming years, for the positive impact on the development of urban centers as engines of growth. UIDP receives a credit line from the GoN within a set out financing modality as loan and this credit line does not comprise of any grant....
Town Development Fund (TDF), an autonomous  entity, as a financial intermediary institution for the development of urban infrastructures in Nepal, is implementing Municipal Finance and Capacity Building (MFCB) Programme supported by European Union (EU). The MFCB  action  builds  on  the joint  initiative  of  TDF  and  UN  Capital Development  Fund (UNCDF)  in  strengthening  the capacity  of selected municipalities   and   TDF   in  promoting  economic   development   and investment  in  infrastructure, providing improved service delivery and accessing additional resources to finance municipal development agenda. The  MFCB  actions  are  intended  to  provide technical  assistance  to enhance  the capacity  of municipalities  on the demand  side, as well  as enhance the capacity of TDF on the supply side to achieve the long term impact  of  contributing  to foster.....
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