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Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project (KSUTP)

Submitted by admin on 20 September 2017
TDF has received grant from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) under Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport Project (KSUTP) for financing implementation of the Public Transport in S5 Pilot Route (Gongabu to Sinamangal) and establishment of Sustainable Urban Transport Fund within TDF. TDF shall use the repayment from the new Bus Operating Company to establish Revolving Fund that may be used to finance subsequent public transport sector, which possess huge business potential for TDF in days to come. Hence, this pilot case is considered as good business opportunity which will pave the way for new business portfolio for TDF in urban public transport sector. Project Area Kathmandu Valley Transport System improvement andurban public transport financing in 2 Pilot Route (S3 &S5). Total Project Cost: US$ 3.8 million (GEF & ADB Grant).

Secondary Towns Integrated Urban Environment Improvement Project

Submitted by admin on 14 June 2017
STIUEIP, is an urban environmental improvement project being implemented by loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The basic concept of STIUEIP is implementing basic utility infrastructure of the municipality to improve quality of life of people land Environment improvement through drainage, sewer, waste water treatment, integrated solid waste management with affordable and sustainable operation and maintenance. The Ministry of Urban Development is the Executing Agency (EA), working through its Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), which has established a project coordination office (PCO) for the Project headed by project director. Biratnagar, Birgunj, Butwal and Kavre Valley is the Implementing Agency (IA) for the Project. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) headed by Project Manager is established under the umbrella of the municipalities. Town Development fund (TDF) is one of the key stakeholders to provide loan to Municipality received from GoN and pay back to GoN after recovery from Municipality.

Output Based Aid (OBA) In Solid Waste Management (SWM)

Submitted by admin on 15 June 2016
The World Bank -Global Partnership for Output Based Aid (GPOBA) assisted project, the ‘Output-Based Aid for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nepal’ (the OBA project). The main concept of the OBA project was to improve access to high quality and financially sustainable SWM services in participating municipalities and the subsidy to municipalities were disbursed to improve /incentivize the operation of solid waste management services.

Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme(NEEP)

Submitted by admin on 7 June 2016
NEEP is being implemented to promote and realize energy efficiency in Nepal and is a bilateral technical cooperation between Government of Nepal (GON) and Federal Republic of Germany. The project is executed by Ministry of Energy with technical assistance provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). TDF is one of the implementing partners to promote energy efficiency in public urban infrastructure under the component 1: Energy Efficiency Market Project Area (Lead): Energy Efficiency Market (Technical Assistance). The total Project Cost: up to Euro 4,000,000 (volume ofGerman contribution)
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